Live Sound

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KV2 Audio loudspeakers flying left and right at the new Mantra Club in Jakarta, Indonesia.

New Jakarta Nightclub Elevates The Experience With KV2 Audio

Mantra Club in the city's Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) neighborhood outfitted with system utilizing VHD2.0 and VHD1.0 loudspeakers joined by VHD4.18 subwoofers and more to support live performances and DJ sets.

Mantra Club, one of the latest additions to the nightlife scene of the Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) neighborhood in Jakarta, Indonesia, is equipped with a sound reinforcement system to support live performances and DJ sets that’s headed by KV2 Audio loudspeakers and supporting components in a project by integration firm Music Art working with club owners and nightlife specialists the Satulapan Group.

The system project, which was also supported by KV2’s Indonesian distributor, PT Goshen Swara Indonesia, began with a demo at Goshen’s facility for both the integrator and client. It led to the incorporation of VHD2.0, VHD1.0, and VHD4.18 loudspeakers driven by VHD2000 and VHD3200 amplifiers.

The client specifically requested a clean main stage, which has 11-meter ceilings, making KV2 well-suited for the project in requiring fewer cabinets than a line array system. Consequently, the VHD2.0/VHD1.0 system was flown left and right, with subwoofers discreetly groundstacked, making for very little visual impact on the stage. Several EX12 loudspeakers serve as side fills, delay lines and DJ monitors, ensuring a cohesive audio experience throughout.

According to Goshen’s Franky Cahyadi, the KV2 components have delivered on all fronts. “High SPL and low distortion were key criteria for Mantra, as was smooth, even coverage and crystal-clear sound for live music and DJ performances,” Cahyadi says. “After the opening night, the client was thrilled – he said the price-to-performance ratio was amazing, the system definitely delivered beyond his expectations. It’s everything he wanted and more.”

KV2 Audio

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