
Eclipse Audio Releases New FIR Creator EX Version 2

Update of software application for designing custom filters and DSP for loudspeaker and system optimization offers new features, including unlimited FIR and IIR filters.
New Eclipse Audio FIR Creator EX version 2 offers several new features shared with flagship FIR Designer software.

Eclipse Audio has announced the release of FIR Creator EX version 2, an update of its software application for designing custom filters and DSP for loudspeaker and system optimization that offers new features, including unlimited FIR and IIR filters.

“The recent version 2 major update has greatly enhanced the level of customization available within FIR Creator EX,” says Michael John, lead developer at Eclipse Audio. “Until now, IIR filters, FIR magnitude and FIR phase filter prototypes were limited to eight per project. But with version 2, we’ve eliminated all manual IIR and FIR filter limits, enabling licensees to use an unlimited number of filters in their custom DSP design.”

Version 2 has also introduced more branded IIR modes to help ensure more precise matching of the IIR filter behavior with the destination processor by adjusting for brand-specific differences in IIR filter interpretation. The range of supported brands now includes Biamp Tesira, Blaze Audio, BSS, Lake, Linea Research, Marani, Pascal Audio, Powersoft, Q-SYS, RAM Audio, RMS Acoustics, and Symetrix.

“We’re currently working with several other brands to include their IIR emulations in our DSP software tools,” John adds, “so the list of supported brands will only keep growing.”

The DTP export options in FIR Creator EX have been expanded in version 2 to include Lab Gruppen IPX DSP amplifiers, joining Lake and Powersoft. Data is sent to the IPX Controller using the Loudspeaker Processor Interchange Format (LPIF), a brand-agnostic JSON-based format for transferring loudspeaker EQ settings from filter design tools to DSP amps and processors.

FIR Creator EX version 2 is available in both macO and Windows versions, and a demo can be downloaded free at

Eclipse Audio