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Some of the Clear-Com components regularly deployed in support of events at the College of DuPage, including the recent 57th commencement ceremony on the college's Glen Ellyn, IL campus.

College of DuPage In Illinois Enhances Event Communications With Clear-Com

Two FreeSpeak II transceivers, 10 wireless beltpacks, an LQ Series IP interface and more deployed to support the crew at the college's 57th commencement ceremony.

The College of DuPage (COD), the second-largest provider of undergraduate education in Illinois, recently employed the Clear-Com communications platform to support its 57th commencement ceremony, an event held on the college’s main campus in Glen Ellyn that hosted 5,000 attendees and celebrated the achievements of 700 graduates.

The college, which has utilized Clear-Com components for more than two decades, regularly employs two FreeSpeak II digital wireless systems integrated with LQ Series IP interface. This setup comprises of transceivers connected to the Eclipse HX Digital Matrix system, a base station, and both wired and wireless beltpacks. These systems are key in managing an array of field productions, including commencement speeches, concerts, and other events across the campus.

For the commencement ceremony, the production setup included two FreeSpeak II transceivers placed to cover the entire arena to deliver wireless communication. Ten wireless beltpacks were utilized by key crew members to maintain mobility. The LQ Series IP interface facilitated integration of different communication devices and extended the reach of communication to remote locations. Acting as the central hub, the Eclipse HX Digital Matrix connected all communication devices.

This setup supported an 18-member crew within the arena. The communication network, comprising both wired and wireless beltpacks, ensured coordination among the team members. Additionally, the LQ system was used to connect with graduates and other team members in different buildings.

Sal Garcia, production supervisor and sound engineer at College of DuPage, states, “The flexibility and ease of use provided by Clear-Com are invaluable for our field productions. Whether it’s a commencement ceremony or daily campus operations, Clear-Com ensures that our team can communicate effectively and deliver a flawless experience.”


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